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Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20
Capricorn is an Earth sign and is regarded as rigid, intolerant, stoic, suspicious, pessimistic, fatalistic, inhibited, unforgiving, domineering, materialistic, patient, prudent, ambitious, honorable, reliable, efficient, serious, responsible, cautious, traditional, conventional, practical, perfectionist, hardworking.
When it comes to love Capricorns are generally steadfast and deliberate finding safety and comfort in all that is tried and true. They can be on the cautious side about sharing their heart, but their reliability as partners is hard to resist for many people.
They act respectfully in love, and take extra care not to hurt a partner. For that matter, they take extra care not to get hurt themselves.
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1 Modele (1)
Aquarius Actori (59)
Aries Actori (76)
Balanta Actori (4107)
Berbec Actori (4055)
Cancer Actrite (56)
Capricorn Actori (3887)
Fecioara Actori (3973)
Gemeni Actori (4123)
Gemini Actori (63)
Leo Actori (59)
Leu Actori (4094)
Libra Actori (62)
Nisporeni Oameni De Stiinta (1)
Pesti Actori (4257)
Pisces Actori (56)
Rac Actori (3986)
Sagetator Actori (3808)
Sagittarius Actori (46)
Scorpio Actori (51)
Scorpion Actori (3825)
Taur Actori (4085)
Taurus Actrite (62)
Varsator Actori (3939)
Virgo Actori (55)
Actori in Capricorn
Greg Coolidge
December 28, 1972
Greg Lawson
December 27, 1957
Gregor Fisher
December 22, 1953

Gregory Moore
December 27, 1960
Gregory Walcott
January 13, 1928
Gretl Schörg
January 17, 1914
Grina Park
January 8, 1985
Guido Grasso Jr.
January 2, 1978
Guilherme Fontes
January 8, 1967
Guillermo Montesinos
January 10, 1948
Guillermo Rivas
December 25, 1927
Gull Natorp
January 10, 1880
Gundula Köster
January 11, 1966
Gus Lewis
January 19, 1993
Gustaf Gründgens
December 22, 1899
Gustav Diessl
December 30, 1899
Gusti Kreissl
January 2, 1904
Guus Verstraete
December 24, 1914
Guy Bertil
January 11, 1934
Guy Madison
January 19, 1922
Guy Rolfe
December 27, 1911
Guy Torry
January 5, 1969
Guy Williams
January 14, 1924
Gwen Verdon
January 13, 1925
Gyõzõ Gáspár
January 4, 1974
György Bálint
January 20, 1906
György Klapka
December 25, 1929
György Korda
January 4, 1939
Gyula Nagy
January 15, 1872
Gyula Stella
January 13, 1884
Gyula Szombathy
January 3, 1945
Hélène Dieudonné
December 24, 1884
Hae-suk Kim
December 30, 1955
Haide Lorenz
January 15, 1925
Haidee Wright
January 13, 1868
Hal Craig
January 8, 1894
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