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Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20
Capricorn is an Earth sign and is regarded as rigid, intolerant, stoic, suspicious, pessimistic, fatalistic, inhibited, unforgiving, domineering, materialistic, patient, prudent, ambitious, honorable, reliable, efficient, serious, responsible, cautious, traditional, conventional, practical, perfectionist, hardworking.
When it comes to love Capricorns are generally steadfast and deliberate finding safety and comfort in all that is tried and true. They can be on the cautious side about sharing their heart, but their reliability as partners is hard to resist for many people.
They act respectfully in love, and take extra care not to hurt a partner. For that matter, they take extra care not to get hurt themselves.
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Scenaristi in Capricorn
Ágnes Fedor
December 31, 1909
Ágnes Nemes Nagy
January 3, 1922
Árpád Ajtony
January 9, 1944

A.A. Milne
January 18, 1882
A.B. Guthrie Jr.
January 13, 1901
Aladár Kuncz
January 1, 1886
Alan Dent
January 7, 1905
Albert Wass
January 8, 1908
Aleko Konstantinov
January 1, 1863
Aleksandr Fadeyev
December 24, 1901
Aleksandr Griboyedov
January 15, 1795
Alexandra Ripley
January 8, 1934
Algis Budrys
January 9, 1931
Anders Weidemann
January 13, 1971
Andor Gábor
January 17, 1884
André Franquin
January 3, 1924
András Dékány
January 11, 1903
András Mezei
December 23, 1930
Andrea Bempensante
December 30, 1969
Anne Morrison Chapin
January 5, 1892
Anton Chekhov
January 17, 1860
Antonín Fencl
December 28, 1881
Arkadi Vainer
January 13, 1931
Arnold Phillips
January 15, 1901
Béla Zsolt
January 8, 1895
Benjamin Lebert
January 9, 1982
Blaga Dimitrova
January 2, 1922
Borden Chase
January 11, 1900
Boris Lipatov
January 5, 1905
Bradford Ropes
January 1, 1905
Branko Copic
January 1, 1915
Brian Friel
January 9, 1929
Brigitte Peskine
December 30, 1951
Burt Prelutsky
January 5, 1940
Calder Willingham
December 23, 1922
Carlo Fruttero
December 24, 1920
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