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Leo is a fire sign and is regarded as dogmatic, pompous, intolerant, patronizing, domineering, inflexible, vain, childish, cruel, pretentious, autocratic, magnanimous, enthusiastic, loyal, affectionate, ambitious, optimistic, idealistic, proud, creative, romantic, generous. The Lions are considered the kings of the jungle, and likewise they have an air of royalty about others.
Leos are proud and perhaps that's why they often choose work that puts them in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation.
Leos are warm of spirit, eager for action and are driven by a desire to be loved for what they bring to others. Leos are a magnanimous leader and a faithful servant.
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1 Modele (1)
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Leo Actori (59)
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Actori in Leo
Nikolay Burlyaev
August 3, 1946
Nikolay Efremov
August 16, 1991
Nikolay Valuev
August 21, 1973

Oleg Popov
July 31, 1930
Oleg Strizhenov
August 10, 1929
Péter László
August 21, 1976
Sándor Benczédi
July 31, 1945
Sándor Kátó
August 9, 1946
Sergey Chonishvili
August 3, 1965
Sergey Gorobchenko
July 29, 1972
Siegfried Höchst
July 26, 1939
July 27, 1983
Stanislav Popov
August 4, 1947
Stanislav Sadalskiy
August 8, 1951
Stefan-Niculescu Cadet
July 31, 1927
Tibor Pálffy
August 22, 1967
Valeriy Nikolaev
August 23, 1965
Vasili Shandybin
July 25, 1941
Venyamin Smekhov
August 10, 1940
Viktor Avilov
August 8, 1953
Werner Abrolat
August 15, 1924
William Barrymore
August 17, 1899
Yuri Belov
July 31, 1930
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