Aceasta pagina contine poll-uri despre Clifton Powell. Daca doriti sa creati un poll, va invitam sa apasati butonul "Creaza Poll".
Pe scurt despre Clifton Powell:Data nasterii: 03/16/1956Zodia: PestiFilmografia:When the Lights Go Out (2010) (in productie) - FreddyThe Saints of Mt. Christopher (2008) (in productie) - Donald Ray WilliamsPreacher's Kid (2010) - IkeJust Another Day (2010) - BowmanSomething Like a Business (2010) - Sexy SilkSteppin: The Movie (2009) - Det. LewisBusted (2009) - LeroyThere's a Stranger in my House (2009) - Mr. John MooreContradictions of the Heart (2009) - DamienInternet Dating (20 mai mult...