Aceasta pagina contine poll-uri despre Curtis Armstrong. Daca doriti sa creati un poll, va invitam sa apasati butonul "Creaza Poll".
Pe scurt despre Curtis Armstrong:Data nasterii: 11/27/1953Zodia: SagetatorFilmografia:Flypaper (2011) (in productie) - Hit List (2010) (in productie) - Mr. ButtonLocker 13 (2009) (in productie) - CliffordThe Gold Retrievers (2009) (in productie) - The ProfessorAmerican Pie Presents: The Book of Love - American Pie 7 (2009) - Pete O'DonnellRatko: The Dictator's Son (2009) - DushkanLegally Blondes (2009) - Mr. GoldenForeign Exchange (2008) - MarvinRatko: The Dictator's Son (2008) - D mai mult...