Aceasta pagina contine poll-uri despre Robert Wisden. Daca doriti sa creati un poll, va invitam sa apasati butonul "Creaza Poll".
Pe scurt despre Robert Wisden:Locatia: Fort McMurray, Alberta, CanadaFilmografia:Stargate SG-1: Children of the Gods - Final Cut (2009) - Major Bert SamuelsWatchmen - Cei ce vegheaza (2009) - Richard NixonAbove and Beyond (2006) - PritchardLost Behind Bars (2006) - Tom RedlerSupervolcano - Supervulcanul (2005) - Kenneth WylieSaving Milly (2005) - Fred BarnesNTSB: The Crash of Flight 323 - Prabusirea zborului 323 (2004) - The Love Crimes of Gillian Guess (2004) - William, Gillian' mai mult...